In this post, you will learn how to solve the unseen passage with some tips to score maximum marks. You will also get Unseen Passage examples for all classes.
Comprehension means the ability to understand! And that is what is tested in the Comprehension or Unseen Passage questions. You are required to read the given passage and understand the meaning of the passage, test the vocabulary and answer the questions correctly.
In short, Comprehension judges your capability and the ability to understand the given content (passage), analyse the problem in a proper perspective, and answer the questions systematically.
Types of questions in Unseen Passages:
Unseen passages are of two types, Lengthy passage and short passage. The Length Passage may contain around 2000 words or more. However, the short passage generally contains 200 – 400 words. Lengthy or short, you may find the following questions in the comprehension unseen passage for all classes.
- Objective Questions / Fill in the blanks
- Descriptive Questions
- Vocabulary – Synonyms, Antonyms, Idioms, Phrases, Phrasal Verbs.
- A suitable title for the passage
Tips to score maximum marks in Comprehension / Unseen Passage
Here are some tips that you can follow to score maximum marks in Unseen Passage questions. These tips are helpful not only for school students but for the candidates preparing for competitive exams.

1. When you have lesser time
This is the most crucial part of answering comprehension questions. Since there is very less time in the competitive exams and you may not complete the passage in the given time. In such a case, here is a tip:
First, read the questions quickly, and then read the passage speedily. As soon as you find an answer related to one of the questions, read that part again and answer the question.
After answering the question, proceed further from where you left and follow the same process. This is how you will read and find the answers in lesser time.
Please note: This tip is useful if you’re running out of time. If you have sufficient time, you may slow down with the reading.
2. When you have sufficient time
If you have sufficient time, then you can follow the below tips to score maximum in the unseen passage.
- First, read the passage quickly and then read the questions. Now, read the passage again and you will start spotting the answers. Mark the section with question number and read further. Then, mark the section for next question when you spot an answer, and so on.
- When you’ve read the passage two time, you are prone to understand it in better way. However, if you’re still unsure about any section of the passage, read the entire passage thrice.
- To answer the questions, check the marking for each question and write the answer in your own language. If it is an objective question, just tick the answer right away!
- Avoid starting the answers with Because or Therefore.
- Answer should be brief enough without any irrelevant topic, opinion, ideas, etc.
- The answers should be from the passage only, even if you have any suggestion or idea about the question, avoid including it in the answer.
- Make sure the answer is grammatically correct and to the point.
- Improve your vocabulary to answer the idioms, phrasal verbs, and other explanatory words. If you find it difficult explaining a phrase, you can include some examples.
The above points will surely help you score maximum marks while answering unseen passage questions.
Unseen Passage Examples with Answers
Here are some unseen passage examples with solutions that you can check to prepare for your comprehension exercise. Don’t forget to follow the above tips to understand the passage and answer questions.
Unseen Passage 1
Wild peacocks live together in large flocks in the forests of Central Africa. They scratch about in the ground during the day for seeds to eat and at nightfall they fly up to the trees where they perch and sleep. Every peacock has several wives, known as peahens. The female bords build their nests on the ground and lay from four to six whitish, sometimes, spotted eggs. During the mating season the mate utters a harsh raucous cry.
Q1. Why do peacocks live in flocks?
i. They are frightened of wild animals
ii. They cannot fly very well
iii. They can get more food
iv. The passage does not tell us
Q2. ‘Perch’ in the passage means:
i. rest
ii. nest
iii. climb
iv. fly
Q3. Peacock eggs are:
i. pure white
ii. spotted
iii. whitish
iv. both ii and iii.
Q4. “Harsh raucous cry” in the passage means:
i. loud cry
ii. deep cry
iii. loud and hoarse cry
iv. roaring cry
Q5. A suitable title for the passage could be:
i. Wild Peacocks
ii. Peacock Eggs
iii. Wild Birds of Africa
iv. The Habitat of the Peacock
Answers: Q1 (iv), Q2 (i), Q3 (iv), Q4 (iii), Q5 (iv)
Related Grammar Tutorial: Parts of Speech in Hindi
Unseen Passage 2
To avoid the various foolish opinions to which mankind is prone, no superhuman brain is required. A few simple rules will keep you free, not from all errors, but from silly errors. If the matter is one that can be settled by observation, make the observation yourself. Aristotle could have avoided the mistake of thinking that women have fewer teeth than men, by the simple device of asking Mrs. Aristotle to keep her mouth while he counted. Thinking that you know when in fact you do not is a bad mistake, to which we are all prone. I believe myself that hedgehogs eat black beetles, because I have been told that they do; but if I was writing a book on the habits of hedgehogs, I should not commit myself until I had been on enjoying this diet. Aristotle, however, was less cautious. Ancient and medieval writers know all about unicorns and salamanders; not one of them though it necessary to avoid dogmatic statements about them because they had never seen one of them.
Q1. The author portrays mankind as:
i. Very intelligent
ii. having superhuman qualities
iii. nervous and weak
iv. by and large, lazy and ignorant
Q2. The author is in favour of drawing conclusions on the basis of:
i. reasoning
ii. empirical evidence
iii. study of eminent thinkers
iv. discussion and consultation
Q3. The author implies that:
i. hedgehogs eat black beetles
ii. hedgehogs do not really eat black beetles
iii. he is writing a book about hedgehogs
iv. he has never seen a hedgehog eating beetles
Q4. The attitude of the author is:
I. cultural
ii. commonsensical
iii. scientific
iv. philosophical
Q5. According to the author, unicorns and salamanders:
i. existed in the past but now have become extinct
ii. are invisible
iii. never really existed
iv. have caused strange stories to be written about them
Answers: Q1 (iv), Q2 (ii), Q3 (iv), Q4 (iii), Q5 (iii)
Unseen Passage 3
At low tide, he walked over the sands to the headland and round the corner to the little bay facing the open sea. It was inaccessible by boat because seams of rock jutted out and currents swirled round them treacherously. But you could walk there if you chose one of the lowest ebb tides that receded a very long way. You could not linger on the expedition, for once the tide was on the turn, it came in rapidly. For this reason, very few people cared to explore the little bay and the cave at the back of it.
But the unknown always drew this man like a magnet. He found the bay fresh and unlittered, as it was completely covered by the sea at high tide. The cave looked mysteriously dark, cool and inviting and he penetrated to the farthest corner where he discovered a wide crack, rather like a chimney. He peered up and though he could see a patch of daylight.
Q1. According to the writer, the bay could not be reached by boat, because:
i. there were seams of rock and treacherously swirling currents
ii. there were too many eddies
iii. it was facing the open sea
iv. it had numerous layers of rock
Q2. It was not possible to “linger on the expedition” because:
i. the water rose rapidly
ii. the tide turned sprightly
iii. the tide turned quickly
iv. the water rushed in with a great force
Q3. One could visit the bay
i. at any time one chose
ii. on certain specified occasions
iii. during the evening walk
iv. when there was a low tide
Q4. He found the bay fresh and unlittered because ………………….
Q5. While passing through the cave, the writer discovered a ……………….
Answers: Q1 (iv), Q2 (ii), Q3 (iv), Q4. the high tide has just washed the litter away, Q5. big crack through which the light came in
Must Read: Tenses Rules, Types, Examples.
Unseen Passage 4
Chocolate diamonds are actually brown diamonds, and compared to the well-known white diamond; they aren’t worth much. Diamonds are produced in mines. The best-known diamond mines are in Australia, South Africa, and Russia. The largest diamond mine was discovered in 1976 in the desert of Australia near a little creek named Lake Argyle. Diamonds are created under very extreme conditions of pressure and high temperature. It is a general misunderstanding that there exist only white colorless diamonds. Actually, diamonds exist in many different colors.
Of all the diamond mines in the world, almost 80% of all diamonds produced are brownish in color. Because they were found in such large quantities compared to the other colored diamonds, they were considered low-valued diamonds, only good for the industrial sector. But, a famous man called Le Vian came up with a marketing campaign to increase the popularity of the chocolate diamond. Instead of calling it a brown diamond, he gave it popular names like caramel, chocolate, cinnamon, and cognac. Since his marketing campaign, chocolate diamonds are becoming very popular.
The value of a diamond is based on its shape, brightness, and color. Because white diamonds are rare, their value is based on the fact that there are not many white diamonds around. But if you look at the shape and brightness, then the brightest diamond in this world known to men is a brown diamond. Before the development of the Argyle Diamond Mine in Australia in 1986, most brown diamonds were considered worthless for jewelry; they were not even assessed on the diamond color scale and were predominantly used for industrial purposes.
However, marketing strategies changed in the 1980s, and brown diamonds have become popular gems. The change was mostly due to the supply: the Argyle mine, with its 35 million carats (7,000 kg) of diamonds per year, makes about one-third of the global production of natural diamonds; 80% of Argyle diamonds are brown. The percentage of brown diamonds is lower in other mines, but it is almost always a significant part of the total production. Consequently, scientific research on the causes of brown color in diamonds and ways to alter it has intensified.
Q1. The wrong notion about diamonds is that _______.
Q2. Brown diamonds were considered low in value because _______ .
Q3. Brown diamonds became popular owing to _______ .
Q4. The value of a diamond is based on its _______ .
Q5. Why are white diamonds rare?
Q6. Name the popular names given to brown diamonds by Le Vian.
Q7. Based on shape and brightness, which is the brightest diamond known to the mankind?
Q8. Find the word from the passage that means ’a planned set of actions aimed at achieving a particular result’. (Para 2)
1. that there exists only white colourless diamonds
2. they were found in such large quantity compared to the other coloured diamonds
3. the marketing campaigns of Le Vian
4. shape, brightness and colour
5. there are not many white diamonds around
6. caramel, chocolate, cinnamon and cognac
7. brown diamond
8. campaign
Unseen Passage 5
Today budgies-often called lovebirds in India -are the most popular pet birds in the world. All the adored cage birds of today are the descendants of parrots. They are one of the smallest of the world’s 330 parrot species which have come down from a plucky little bird in rural Australia.
Some appear to be about 30 cm long from tail tip to crown, with bulbous, fluffy foreheads, barrel chests and deep-set eyes. Their colours are striking; vivid shades of blue, grey and green as well as violet and white. Most startling of all are the yolk- yellow birds, called Latinas that are like splashes of luminous paint. The first colour mutations in captive birds were blue and yellow. Today, breeders raise birds with rainbow of colours.
Love birds stay near water when it’s dry, but when there’s a lot of rain they spread out. They are sometimes seen nestling on top of tall eucalyptus trees. While some of the caged varieties would have difficulty flying across a room, wild budgies travel hundreds of kilometers at speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour to seek seed and water. Even in prolonged droughts, the budgie has an extraordinary ability to withstand dehydration. When deprived of water, budgies can reportedly exist with little weight loss for more than a month at an average air temperature of 30 degrees. At 20 degrees, some can apparently survive’ indefinitely without water, provided they are getting some moisture from food.
Male budgies can be excellent mimics and can develop huge vocabularies. Hens may whistle and can learn a few words, but they are not nearly as loquacious as males. Budgies are dimorphic upon sexual maturity. Adult males of most colors, except albino and the very pale pastels, develop a blue color. Hens have a lilac or tan color that turns brownish upon maturity.
Q1. Name the most popular pet birds in the world.
Q2. Who were the ancestors of the caged birds?
Q3. Where do love birds stay during dry weather?
Q4. What do you know about the traveling capacity of budgies?
Q5. Why, according to the author, are budgies tough birds?
Q6. How are male budgies better than hens with regard to learning words and mimicry?
Q7. Which color do hens develop upon maturity?
Q8. Find the word from the passage which means ’talkative’, (para 4)
1. Budgies
2. parrots
3. near water
4. Budgies can travel hundreds of kms upto 50 kms per hour
5. Budgies are tough birds because they can withstand dehydration; can exist with little water loss at 30 degree temperature
6. Male budgies are excellent mimics; have the ability to develop large vocabularies
7. brownish
8. loquacious
Unseen Passage 6
COVID-19, also known as the novel coronavirus, is a highly infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The pandemic began in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and quickly spread throughout the world, affecting millions of people and causing widespread disruption and loss of life.
As the virus spread, health authorities and governments across the world took swift and decisive action to slow its spread, including the implementation of measures such as lockdowns, travel restrictions, and the widespread use of masks and other personal protective equipment. Despite these efforts, the virus continues to spread, with new variants emerging and posing new challenges to public health.
One of the most significant impacts of the pandemic has been on the global economy, with businesses of all sizes forced to close their doors and millions of people losing their jobs. Governments have stepped in to provide financial support to businesses and individuals, but the economic fallout from the pandemic will likely be felt for years to come.
In addition to the economic impact, the pandemic has also had a profound impact on mental health, with many people feeling anxious and stressed due to social isolation, job loss, and uncertainty about the future. Health authorities are encouraging people to seek support and to engage in activities that promote well-being, such as exercise and spending time with loved ones.
Despite the many challenges posed by the pandemic, there have also been many inspiring examples of individuals and communities coming together to support one another and to overcome the difficulties posed by COVID-19. From healthcare workers on the front lines, to volunteers delivering supplies to those in need, the pandemic has highlighted the best in human nature and the importance of coming together to face common challenges.
1. What is COVID-19 also known as?
a. Novel coronavirus
b. SARS-CoV-2
c. Pandemic
d. All of the above
2. Where did the pandemic begin?
a. Wuhan, China
b. USA
c. France
d. Australia
3. What measures were taken to slow the spread of the virus?
a. Lockdowns
b. Travel restrictions
c. Widespread use of masks and other personal protective equipment
d. All of the above
4. What is one of the most significant impacts of the pandemic?
a. The global economy
b. Mental health
c. Health authorities
d. Social isolation
5. What is the impact of the pandemic on mental health?
a. People feeling anxious and stressed
b. People feeling happy and relaxed
c. People feeling indifferent
d. People feeling excited
6. What are the healthcare workers referred to in the passage?
a. Front lines
b. Back lines
c. Side lines
d. None of the above
Answers: 1. a, 2. a, 3. d, 4. a, 5. a, 6. a
Unseen Passage 7
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has swiftly integrated into our lives, significantly impacting various sectors. From healthcare to entertainment, AI’s presence has brought about numerous benefits. One of the primary areas AI has revolutionized is healthcare. Through machine learning algorithms, AI assists doctors in diagnosing diseases accurately and efficiently. It analyzes medical records and symptoms, aiding in early detection and personalized treatment plans.
Moreover, in education, AI has transformed learning experiences. Adaptive learning platforms utilize AI to understand students’ strengths and weaknesses, tailoring educational content to individual needs. This personalized approach enhances comprehension and retention rates among learners.
The automotive industry has also seen a remarkable evolution with AI-powered technologies. Self-driving cars, guided by AI systems, promise safer and more efficient transportation. These vehicles use various sensors and algorithms to navigate roads, reducing accidents caused by human errors.
Furthermore, AI has revolutionized customer service. Chatbots powered by AI have become prevalent in various businesses, providing instant assistance and resolving queries round the clock. They enhance user experience by efficiently handling routine inquiries.
Entertainment and leisure have not been left behind in benefiting from AI. Streaming platforms employ AI algorithms to suggest personalized content based on users’ preferences, leading to an enhanced viewing experience.
1. How has AI impacted the healthcare sector?
A) By creating self-driving cars
B) By assisting in disease diagnosis and personalized treatment plans
C) By suggesting entertainment content
D) By improving agricultural techniques
2. In education, how does AI benefit learners?
A) By enhancing user experience
B) By providing instant assistance
C) By tailoring educational content to individual needs
D) By navigating roads efficiently
3. What technology in the automotive industry is powered by AI?
A) Electric cars
B) Hybrid cars
C) Self-driving cars
D) Manual cars
4. How do chatbots benefit businesses?
A) By suggesting personalized content
B) By navigating roads efficiently
C) By resolving customer queries round the clock
D) By analyzing medical records
5. What do AI algorithms do in streaming platforms?
A) Diagnose diseases
B) Resolve customer queries
C) Suggest personalized content
D) Analyze educational content
6. What is one area where AI has NOT made significant impacts?
A) Education
B) Healthcare
C) Agriculture
D) Entertainment
7. What aspect of the healthcare sector does AI assist in?
A) Transportation
B) Disease diagnosis and personalized treatment plans
C) Entertainment suggestions
D) Educational content creation
Answers: 1. (B), 2. (C), 3. (C), 5. (C), 6. (C), 7. (B)
Those were some of the unseen passage exercises with solutions. You can check those and try to practice the comprehension questions. Make sure to answer the questions correctly to score maximum marks in the unseen passages.