You might have already heard about the latest changes in the CBSE Exam Pattern. If not, do not worry, I will explain everything here. As per new guidelines, CBSE will hold board exams twice (i.e., November-December and March-April) for the academic season 2021-2022. In shorts, the Central Board of Secondary Education has divided the academic year into two terms, and each term is followed by a board exam or the term-end exam.
CBSE Term-End Exams Pattern
As the academic year is divided into two terms, there will be some changes in the exam pattern. The new exam pattern will be different than any exam ever held so far. The point of consideration is that the exam pattern of both terms will also be different. Hence, there will be two different patterns for CBSE Board Exam 2022. Here is how CBSE has divided the exam pattern into two terms:
Related: Quick tips to prepare for the CBSE Exams in 2021-2022 Session
First Term (Term I) Board Exam
The exam will be of 90 minutes and will include Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). The MCQs will include Case-Based MCQs and Assertion-Reasoning Type MCQs. The responses will be captures on OMR sheets, and schools will have to either upload the Scanned OMR sheets or the marks evaluated. However, the Examination Unit of the Board will make the final decision in this matter.
Second Term (Term II)
The second term of CBSE Board Exams 2022 will have questions in different formats, including situation-based, case-based, short answer, and long answer type questions, as well as open-ended questions. Students will have 2 hours (120 minutes) to complete the exam.
Due to the rise in COVID19 Cases in March-April, CBSE has given the flexibility to schools and allowed them to conduct MCQs based exams with a time limit of 90 minutes for the March-April end term. But that’s the case only if the Pandemic situation is not under control at that time.

Internal Assessment
Schools will have to continue teaching in distant mode until schools are permitted to open in respective states. At the start of the academic year, the schools will have to create a student profile and include all the necessary evaluation and assessment details in the digital form. Internal assessment will be included in the final scores of students of Class X and Class XII. CBSE will provide the guidelines to upload the assessment on the CBSE IT website. Here is the pattern for Internal Assessment:
- Class IX-X: Internal Assessment for Class IX-X will include 3 Periodic tests, portfolio and practical work/speaking/listening/ project work and student enrichment throughout the year. (Term I & Term II)
- Class XI-XII: The Internal Assessment for Class XI-XII would include unit tests (end of topic tests), exploratory activities, practicals, projects throughout the academic year.
Please keep in mind that the exam results of both terms will be included in the final score along with the internal assessment.
Exam Centers
The exams might be held in the respective schools. However, CBSE will appoint external superintendents and observers to monitor the exam process. Also, if the COVID19 conditions worsen and force schools’ closure during November-December, students can attend exams from home (online/offline mode).
CBSE Board Exams 2022 Syllabus
The Central Board of Secondary Education will release the rationalized syllabus for session 2021-2022. The syllabus will be rationalized, similar to the previous rationalized syllabus. The syllabus of CBSE Board Exam 2022 will be divided into both terms, and each term will cover approx. 50% of the entire syllabus. CBSE will release the syllabus anytime soon in July 2021.
The rationalized syllabus would include guidelines for internal assessment alongside additional resources such as Questions Bank, Teacher Training, Sample Assessments, etc. This will ensure valid and more reliable internal assessments.
Check CBSE Term-wise Curriculum for Class IX-X and Class XI-XII
We will update this post once the syllabus is released from CBSE. Please make sure to visit the official website of the board for more information.
Download the official circular by CBSE here
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the time to conduct CBSE Board Exams 2022?
The exam will be conducted twice, i.e., during November – December for Term I and March-April for Term II. CBSE will release the exam dates before the exams.
What type of questions will be there in board exams 2022?
The term I of CBSE Board Exams 2022 will include MCQs completed in 90 minutes, and Term II will be of descriptive type. However, it totally depends upon the COVID19 situation across the country.
How much syllabus will be there for session 2021-2022?
There will be a rationalized syllabus for both board exams and internal assessments. The syllabus will be rationalized, similar to the previous year. Each term will include approx 50% of the entire syllabus.
How to prepare for CBSE Board Exams 2022?
Schools will continue teaching in distance mode until schools are permitted to open. However, you can prepare for your exams by joining Vector Tutorials and practice Multiple Choice Questions for Term I.
good information
Thank you ????